Friday, September 3, 2010

Maksud nama...

Tadi I surf the net for fun.tetiba I came cross nak cari maksud nama u. Fahmi=kefahaman atau pemahaman.Well...I am not suprise with the meaning becoz u mmg understanding sama dengan maksud nama u.I miss you alot Fam...
Maybe sebab u dh lama pergi I macam dah terbiasa dengan ketiadaan u.Dh 47 hari since u leave,mesti u dh byk berubah,I believe.Ramadhan pun dah nak berlalu pergi...I was wondering how are u lately....

Monday, August 30, 2010


Tahun ni Merdeka x fun sangat.Actually laz nite I thout nak kuar countdown dengan my bestfrens tapi at laz tak jadi becoz was so tired.

How r u,my dear?U dh nak balik dh pun...Ntah kita dapat jumpa ataupun x?X kisah la as long as u ok,itu dh ckup...Dah 43 days u pergi tapi rasa macam u pergi lama gler....

Friday, August 20, 2010


Actually should thx to ur frens sebab diaorg tangkap gmbr u.Pandai u pose erk?Haha.Next time bley jd model gitu.Other than to laugh I xtau nk ckp ape.Tapi u nak tau,dh one whole week I x gelak.I was not in the mood that one week.Tension sgt.Byk sgt benda yg buat I nak at laz dapat jgk nak ketawa puas-puas.


When I first gambar ni,I xtau nk ckp ape other than sexy.Haha...Gambar ni buat Lyn dgn Aina glak sampai x ingat dunia.Mama pun ingat I dh gler tetiba glak in front of the laptop.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New life...

I started a new life..A whole new enviroment.Maybe this is better for me...Lgpun I felt out of place di tempat lama.Macam too many memories that caught my mind.L noe I have to learn to let go of the past.So now I am trying...

How r u,Fam?I really miss u a lot.Things are not the same as they used to be...It is so hard for me to fit in this new life...Wat should I do Fam???I hope sgt u ada kat sini...At least,I have sumone to talk to.I mmg la bley share the thing with my mum tpi it wouldn't be same.I really wish I could talk to u.Really need u ryte now...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

So Long....

How r u???So long u x online...hari ni masa klas geografi,cikgu direct je ambil example negara Australia...Tau la Australia tu byk contoh untuk subjek geografi tapi x sukala dgr nama AUSTRALIA!!!

Mesti susah for u puasa kat sana kan?Well..this is dugaan for u and I believe u can do it...Btw,u dh nak blik kan?Can't wait for it..Ntah kita dapat jumpa ataupun tidak...I miss u alot,Fam.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

100th day...

If we could be la yg I thinking of but I noe is so impossible...Well,i knew for 100 days...So fast the time past...